You can even choose a parking assistance system using the sensors and reversing camera.The latest Euro6 petrol and diesel engines have been cleaned up and we tested the all new 1.5 litre BlueHDi 130 with stop/start, launching in this model, with optional new eight speed automatic transmission.Kia Ceed first drive review Family hatchback is ex Ceed ingly goodRide comfort was generally good, some potholes did catch out the suspension and the Michelin Pilot 3 225/40 ZR 13in tyres on our GT Line version did produce a slightly firm feedback with their low profile.I think they also helped the steering weight and its centre positive feel, the turning circle was good and it did not suffer from vibrations. Underfoot, the brakes rapidly slowed the car without drama and the parking brake easily held on our usual steep test slope.Secondary control stalks were tightly arranged around the compact wheel and packed with features, while the transmission instantly responded to selected changes using the paddles and it was very smooth when left to its own mapping. Access is good for everyone and the boot has a modest lip, and is of a decent shape and capacity, almost tripling when the seatbacks are folded forward.
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