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canada goose factory sale The PTA’s holier than thou members just couldn’t hold back their judgments. Even more insulting to this mom, the letter was delivered by her teenage daughter. But the organization messed with the wrong mom. Single mum disqualified from beauty pageant when judges found out her ‘secret’One judge said Veronika Didusenko shouldn’t be a role model because she has a child and is divorcedShe was stripped of her title (Image: X03345)Get daily news updates directly to your inboxSubscribeSee our privacy noticeMore newslettersThank you for subscribingWe have more newslettersShow meSee our privacy noticeCould not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailBeauty queens are under a canada goose outlet lot of pressure to live up to certain standards: looking flawless, being talented and having a cause they’re passionate about which must be a lot work.But it turns out there are some extra rules and regulations they have to abide by that aren’t as well advertised.Veronika Didusenko was crowned Miss Ukraine, 2018 but four days later had her title stripped away from her when they realised she is a mum and it’s sparked controversy. When find out Cheap Canada Goose it happened I was shocked”.According to the canada goose black friday sale rules, which are set by the Miss World pageant, participants who have been married and have a canada goose factory outlet child are not allowed to participate in the competition Veronika has a son and is divorced which is why she was disqualified.Now that she’s had her title taken away she says she wants to stand up for young mums.On Instagram, she wrote to her 22,000 followers: “I will cut off this last discriminatory rule of ‘Miss World'”!In a previous post, she shared an alleged statement from one of the Miss Ukraine judges, which states: “She gave birth when she was 19 and then divorced. canada goose outlet uk sale I think it is wrong to position such a person as a role model for others to follow.”In the caption, she commented that this is the type of prejudice she’s confronted with everyday.”I’ve had a pretty successful career and I want every girl to be sure that she can do the same even if official canada goose outlet she’s a single mum,” she said to BBC Newsbeat.BBC Newsbeat reported that Miss Ukraine have no plans to change their rules because they’re set by Miss World and Veronika knew them when she entered.Victoria Kiose, executive director for Miss Ukraine, said to the Mirror that she was disqualified for her canada goose outlet reviews “deceit” not for her “motherhood”.”She hid her son and ex husband”, she said, adding that she had canada goose outlet toronto factory “opportunities” to come clean.”We truly believe that Miss Ukraine is an honorable title which cannot be granted to a person who concealed the information, broke the rules for her own benefit and let all the team working on show down.”Victoria also pointed to Mrs Ukraine, an canada goose outlet sale alternative beauty contest to Miss Ukraine, that doesn’t have an upper age limit canada goose outlet parka or discriminate against mothers or married women.People on social media have strong views on the issue, with someone on Twitter calling the disqualification “outrageous” and someone else saying it’s “just not OK” canada goose factory sale.