Driving And Day Dreaming On A Friday The 13th
canada goose coats on sale I don’t often remember what happened on any given Friday the 13th. After all, it is just a superstitious designation of another coincidental date and it happens at least once a year, sometimes as many as three times in a year. On this particular Friday the 13th of July, 2012, there was a lot to remember for me and my 24 year old son Matt. canada goose coats on sale
Canada Goose Parka This day was the last of a five day camping and hiking trip for us on canada goose the beautiful Isle Royale, a very large island National Park located in Lake Superior, very near Canada. It was about an 8 hour drive straight north from our home in cheap Canada Goose Illinois to Houghton, Michigan, which was the take off point for our pontoon plane ride to the island. Canada Goose Parka
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canada goose At least that was the case for the first of two landings. The second one more closely resembled a wooden roller coaster ride as we rushed to beat the impending rain storm heading at us at an angle which made for a challenging approach and bouncy landing. Fortunately we were in good hands as I was the co pilot to a National Guard fighter jet pilot who wasn’t phased by any of this. canada goose
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Canada Goose Outlet These were the feelings swirling around in my mind and elevating my mood on the return canada goose clearance drive home. We flew back into the Houghton airport, unloaded the plane, packed the car and hit the road headed south and home. It was another beautiful, clear, sunny morning. A fitting end to a great week of adventure which was soon to end abruptly. Canada Goose Outlet
canada goose clearance Matt tells me that we had been driving for more than an hour, though it seemed to me we had just left the airport. In my mental state of exuberance and delight in driving the seductive speed demon of canada goose clearance sale a car, I was moving Canada Goose Parka along at a good clip, around 100 mph in stretches. It was an invigorating feeling akin to that of flying in the pontoon plane, but with me as the pilot. One particular stretch of road came to a curve which was deceptively marked. Apparently I didn’t realize it was there as only a scream from Matt alerted me to it, but too late to make a difference. It was to be the end of our driving for quite a while as the car was not able to hold the curve and left the Canada Goose online road, pivoted in the depression at the side of the road which flipped the car end over end, twice, coming to rest upright Canada Goose Jackets and some distance from the road. In its flight trajectory, it also managed to hit a tree which smashed the roof down onto Matt’s head, cracking 5 vertebrae in his neck. At least he had his seatbelt on, I did not. As I wasn’t restrained in the seat, the airbag and my face met with enough impact to break every bone in my face, including my nose and jaw. I immediately passed out, not to reawaken canada goose factory sale until in the hospital some time later unable to close my mouth as the jaw was a little misaligned. The steering wheel left an impression upon my broken knee as well. Matt somehow managed to remain conscious during the whole ordeal, even seeing the rapid approach of the tree. He tells me that somehow the car ended upright and that we both managed to crawl out of it. Rescue was on the scene quickly as there was a house nearby which must have heard the terrible rumbling of the crash. Apparently I was conscious enough when they arrived to talk and complained that my face hurt, none of which I can remember. It Canada Goose Outlet was a tragic, nearly fatal ending to an idyllic journey. canada goose clearance
Canada Goose Jackets 5 months have now passed since that unlucky Friday the 13th. Matt has recovered without surgery and is back in the classroom. The plastic surgeons at Loyola Medical Center managed to screw titanium plates all over my face with no outward indication of the extent of the damage. My jaw was wired shut for 7 weeks and unbelievably no teeth were lost. The knee healed, so no more crutches or walkers, and I have finally been able to sleep in my bed leaving the recliner behind. While it looked quite grim initially, any lingering effects of the accident have so canada goose uk outlet far been physically manageable. Canada Goose Jackets
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